Where do we start? We have three children, each within 2 years of each other. They are the center of our lives at this stage in our life and they are completely comfortable with that. Their energy level is truly astounding. As many of you parents know, raising children is absolutely insane. As beautiful as it is, it is also as equally challenging.
As challenging as it may be, Rose and I are a team with a similar vision and background committed to developing our children in the most healthy way. While Rose is a Holistic Psychology major who understands well the ins and outs of the drama of our minds, I am a Shakespeare major who understands the drama of our lives. Our core principle in our lives is to live as authentically as possible. To be real with our children, each other, and our community. We cannot raise healthy children if we don't practice what we preach. So as most parents, we are in it, trying, learning, making mistakes, correcting, trying again, and being real about what is.
We are both middle eastern and have been raised in the classic Big Fat Greek Wedding lifestyle. Big close knit family, home cooked feasts on a daily basis, music, dance, loud voices, home grown vegetables and fruit, guilt trips, cigarettes and a whole bunch of dysfunctions as our topping. Such is the mediterranean lifestyle. Pros and cons served on an elaborate dish.